Sunday Morning Reflection

This week has been a roller coaster ride of emotions for me. My first thought was “Is there a full moon out?” I always get emotional with the energy of a full moon. Reflection and emotions are good for the soul!
With the world turned upside down by C19, as I call it for short, I’ve learned a lot about myself as there’s been plenty of time for reflection. Watching the good news and the bad news of what has happened to family and friends across the world. At times, I’ve cried for people I don’t even know on the news as my heart aches for what they are going through.
Reflection of my life has been on my mind a great deal. I can’t say that I regret any of my life choices because whether they were good or not so good choices, every one of them made me grow in certain ways. Life is always the teacher! Not one single life out there has lead a spotless, perfect happy life. The storms in our life come and go, and hopefully leave us better in the process.
What I know for sure through all of this C19 lockdown is, I don’t want to be alone anymore. I’ve been divorced for a long time, and in this later stage of my life, I’d like to find that special someone to grow old with, who is in the same stage of life, who is happy with himself and wants to find a best friend/love to grow old with too. I’m asking that we find each other when this C19 situation lifts a bit. I don’t believe we are meant to be alone, but it is hard sometimes to ‘find’ the one. I’m setting my intentions for him to find me. Maybe it will be a random meet, who knows. I look forward to the future with great anticipation. I have faith he will arrive –
Those are my thoughts for this morning. You aren’t alone. My thoughts are with you and whatever you maybe experiencing. Cry if you need to! Get up and go for a walk to set your heart free for a little bit. We have to feel free of what holds us down because sometimes the weight is too heavy… Do what you can to feel the weight lift off of you.
May you all be blessed in unpredictable ways!
Shining bright,